
1. The selection of the shampoo should depend upon the hair type.
2. Egg shampoo is good for dry hair but avoid products which contain alcohol as they will dry out the hair even further.
3. For oily hair use some mild shampoo.
4. Care should be taken while using shampoo.
5. Do not scrub or over massage.
6. It is better to rinse thoroughly with Luke warm water.
7. If the hair is too oily, add lemon juice in Luke warm water and rinse.
8. Shampooing can be done as often (ideally every alternate day) as required to keep the hair clean and healthy, as long as you condition regularly.
9. Switch shampoos once a month to avoid hair buildup.

Ideal Method
1. Prepare the hair for shampooing.
2. Before wetting your hair for shampooing, comb through with a wide toothed comb to prevent tangles.
3. Mix and adjust the water flow.
4. Mix the water to a comfortable temperature.
5. Wet the hair and scalp thoroughly.
6. Apply the shampoo to the hair by first pouring it into your hand and never directly.
7. Apply with the hands and fingers, massage firmly in rotating and circular movements.
8. Massage the whole head.
9. Rinse the hair and scalp thoroughly and carefully.
10. Apply more shampoo and massage for the second time if needed, finally rinse all shampoo from the hair and scalp with clean water.
11. Finally check the hair lines and make sure that the dirt and shampoo has been removed from hair and scalp.
12. Dry the hair gently.
13. Don't rub just blot the wet hair with a towel and then smooth the towel along the length of your hair.
14. Avoid blow drying as far as possible.
15. If you shampoo regularly there is no need to lather twice.
Clarifying shampoo – what's the deal? One of the first things other people notice when meeting you is your hair and as we all know, first impressions can be very important. If your hair is limp or extra dry, there is no way you can put forth a positive first impression. Over time, build up from daily shampooing and conditioning can make your hair seem dull. This constant product deposit in your hair can also cause it to become dry and lifeless. A great solution for keeping your hair in optimal shape is the use of a clarifying shampoo.

A clarifying shampoo removes deposit build up without over drying your hair. This allows the natural oils of your hair to replenish moisture. When using a clarifying shampoo it is important to remember to only use it once weekly. Over usage of a clarifying shampoo can strip your hair of those natural oils mentioned above. This can over dry your hair and make it brittle and prone to breakage. By using a clarifying shampoo only once weekly you will be removing shampoo and conditioner build up without damaging your hair.
Of course, product build up is only one issue concerning hair that a lot of people worry about. My fine curly hair can be extremely dry.
When it gets very dry it tends to break or splinter at the ends. The best way I have found to combat dry hair is the use of Curly Hair Solutions silk shampoo. The rich and moisturizing formula is gentle, but delivers the proper amount of hydration to my hair. Through the use of silk amino acids, silk shampoo strengthens my hair, but doesn’t weigh it down. Curly Hair Solutions silk shampoo is also wonderful for combating frizz during the summer months or any humid day. When used in combination with clarifying shampoo, silk shampoo makes my hair soft, supple and shiny. In fact, my hair has never had such life and is never frizzy.

Clarifying shampoo can give renewed life to limp, dull hair. It strips away unwanted chemicals that have built up in hair over time. If used with a silk protein hair product like Curly Hair Solutions silk shampoo, you will never be unhappy with the look or feel of your hair again. With a luxurious and stunning mane, you are sure to turn heads. Make the most of your hair by using the proper products.

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